Monday, November 23, 2009

long post....

Once again it has been a long time since i have posted anything and i can't believe how fast time is moving this year! This fall has brought many busy weeks with jewelry shows and expos and we're getting ready for our big Christmas open house the first week of December! We've been busy with kids and Aiden's personality is getting bigger and bigger every day! I'm so lucky that he is so easy going and smiling almost all of the time! His new favorite thing to do is blow bubbles and drool like crazy! he can roll from his stomach to his side but that's about as far as he gets. He hasn't quite figured out how to swing his leg over to get all the way on his back. Aiden has definitily had his share of sicknesses for the season too! It all started with the swine flu and then he was getting random fevers and now he has a stuffy nose and a really deep burly cough! poor guy... somehow he still manages to be such a nice boy! He's even become such a good little sleeper despite how sick he has been. He pretty much sleeps through the night now and most nights he sleep about ten hours (last night was 12 1/2!) i almost don't want to talk about it though because I don't want to jinx myself!Dad got the kids dressed and they all ended up wearing green shirts!
I love my boys! Jonathan has been working so hard and is exhausted at night and with Aiden being so sick, the two of them end up on the couch like this a lot!
Aiden loves to sit and watch tv!
Aiden still loves to be bundled up when he goes to bed! Recently he has started wiggling his arms out though...

I think it's been such a long time that I never posted anything from Aidens blessing! We had him blessed by my dad in October and Jonathan's parents were able to come out from Chico to be there for it. We had close friends and family over for some soup and yummy desserts after and it was a great day! When we were trying to decide what Aiden would wear for his blessing we were lucky enough to have Jonathans dad bring Jonathans blessing outfit and amazingly enough it fit Aiden. There were three buttons in the back and we had to leave the top one open because it was too tight on his neck. I was amazed that it actually fit since Jonathan was a premie but i'm really glad it did because it seemed kind of special that he could wear his dads blessing outfit.
Shortly after Aidens blessing it was time for Halloween festivities! We didn't do much, we went around to visit a few people and then we left Aiden with my mom to answer the door for trick or treater while the rest of us went off the the Utah Football game!
I have been lucky enough to have season tickets to the Utah football games for the past three seasons and this year almost every game fell on a Saturday that I had a jewelry show so unfortunately I missed a lot of games. We were able to make it to a few though and I think i'm slowly converting Jonathan to Utah football.

Also, this past week Jonathan and I got to go to the premier of New Moon! Jonathan got tikets through work and his company rented out a whole theater. I've never been to a premier before, and it was so nice to not have to fight crouds, pay for the tickets, stay up until midnight to see it, or pay for any treats! When Jonathan and I got to the theater we bought 2 drinks ($8.oo) and went into the theater only to find out that they were providing popcorn, candy and drinks! good thing we had just eaten dinner or else we would have probably paid for popcorn too.

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